The MEADOW SNUGGLE POT by Smellies Flowers is a vibrant bouquet featuring yellow roses, pink and orange carnations, white and yellow snapdragons, green chrysanthemums, and assorted greenery arranged in a mini ceramic vase adorned with a yellow ribbon.


Smellies Flowers


Regular price $65.00 Sale

This quaint little number is ideal for a sweet and thoughtful gift.

Presented in a mini ceramic vase, we'll include a selection of citrus toned flowers with foliage.   The flowers may differ from the image below, but know it will be bright and zesty!

The mini ceramic vase is valued at $15.

The completed design stands approx 30H x 25W

  • We source ALL our flowers and foliage from Australian flower farms. 
  • Know that your purchase from us is supporting the local flower industry and having a minimal impact on the environment.
  • We do not sell any fresh materials that are imported, dyed, sprayed, preserved or bleached. 
  • We NEVER use florist foam, all our designs are created using sustainable floristry mechanics and techniques.   

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