A large, elegantly arranged bouquet of flowers in a pale pink vase, perfect for welcoming a baby girl. The bouquet features pink lilies, snapdragons, assorted pink and purple flowers, and green foliage. Set against light-colored wooden paneling, this pretty arrangement is available for delivery in Geelong.


Smellies Flowers


Regular price $155.00 Sale

This pink ceramic 'wave' vase includes a seasonal selection of flowers in shades of pink and white.  Picking up on pretty pinky tones, this design may include snapdragons, lillies, Queen Anne's lace, , chrysanthemums and textured foliage.

The vase is valued at $35 and the completed design is approx 75cmH x 35cmW

The varieties may vary from the image below depending upon grower supply.

  • We source ALL our flowers and foliage from Australian flower farms. 
  • Know that your purchase from us is supporting the local flower industry and having a minimal impact on the environment.
  • We do not sell any fresh materials that are imported, dyed, sprayed, preserved or bleached. 
  • We do not use florist foam, all our designs are created using sustainable floristry mechanics and techniques.  

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